
If you are looking to buy the famous Quads/AAAA online in Canada Greenex Farms is here for you. We also Carry Organic Options for people that are concerned about what they are smoking.

AAAA weed is the best marijuana you can find in the market, it carries a very strong odor and color and a potent high to accompany it. The buds of AAAA weed will be covered in white crystals which are the trichomes, where the THC and terpenes sit, which makes those strains without question, the highest quality out there.

Now that you know that AAAA weed is what you are looking for, what type of strain are you looking for? Greenex Farms often carry an excellent selection of Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid strains that differ in their effects.

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What are AA, AAA, AAAAs ?

Did you notice all the different ratings on the weed you’re buying with the online dispensaries these days? Not sure what they mean? It’s understandable as every online dispensary has slightly different ways of rating their weed. At Greenex Farms we only carry high-grade/AAAA weed. However, we want to make sure you understand the grading system from A, AA, AAA, and Quad.

It’s important to note that premium and affordable weed are different. The most important aspects that differentiate strains include:

  • How it is Grown & Dried is a significant factor to determine whether a strain is a premium or not. Everything under the amount of light the plants received, the amount of water that has been provided, or the fertilizers (whether organic or synthesized) used will affect the quality of a cannabis plant
  • How Bud looks. The following factors are important for a cannabis strain when it is being graded. Are the buds dense? Are the buds consistent in shape/size? Has the plant been handled, is it covered by white trichomes?
  • Aroma & Feel: Smell is obviously a very important part of a cannabis strain. Many things can happen to affect the smell, however. For example, if it is not dried properly, wet buds can have a mouldy or funky smell. Remember, cannabis has over 200 compounds also called terpenes which determine the aroma, physical appearance, and therapeutic aspects.

AAAA Grade Weed

Even if you do not know much about marijuana, you could likely identify an AAAA strain of weed based on the smell and appearance alone. When smoked, users enjoy a pleasant, flavorful inhale and a very potent and enjoyable high that will vary in its effects depending on the strain. While a bit more expensive, regular marijuana smokers will agree that quality is worth the price!

AAAA strains from Greenex Farms guarantee you will get the creme de la creme. As with any product, it’s important that you understand what high-quality entails before you choose a cheaper option.

At Greenex Farms, we’re very transparent about what the differences are between our low-grade strains and our highest-rated Quads. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to reach out to us!

Greenex Farms