What You Should Know About Cannabis for Anxiety and Depression

There are consistent reports that cannabis helps you manage the painful symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is particularly important today because our lives are increasingly complicated and fast-paced, to the point that more people do suffer the effects of anxiety and depression without even realizing it, and more than ever before. Additionally, more and more people are rightfully concerned about using prescription medications to manage their symptoms and are now preferring to address their symptoms naturally. Although there are several medications for treating depression and anxiety, the natural way is not only easier to understand it does not rely on chemicals that may end up affecting your body in a complicated way, causing unforeseen side effects.

It is important therefore to examine closely, the relationship between cannabis, and how our physiology can utilize it for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

What Can Cannabis Do For You Anxiety or Depression?

Cannabinoids stimulate neurogenesis, which is the production of nerve cells in the limbic system of the brain. This process counteracts the suppression of new nerve cell production caused by depression. Neurogenesis creates new cells and new memories to move on from the stressful memories that have been causing depression. Biochemical machines like cannabinoid receptors make up the endocannabinoid system. The human body produces an endocannabinoid of its own, called anandamide.

When cannabinoids from cannabis are added, such as THC, CBD, and cannabis terpenes, there is a boost in neurogenic brain cell growth, as long as the doses are lower or appropriate. If, however, too much THC is introduced, it stimulates the mid-brain area to remove emotional inhibitions so that the brain receives more fear, anxiety, and stress.

Can You Treat Anxiety or Depression with THC or CBD?

As you buy organic weed at our Vancouver online dispensary, you’ll be looking for the right balance. All of the online dispensaries list the levels of THC vs CBD. We know that both compounds serve to influence your anxiety and depression levels, however, THC needs to be taken in small doses, otherwise, it will increase your anxiety levels. So, as people dose to reduce their depression, too much THC can easily elevate anxiety levels.

By utilizing hybrid strains, you temper the THC level with CBD. You can also be careful to reduce your dose to effectively treat both anxiety and depression. Any strains that are higher in terpene limonene are good mood elevators.

What Does Research Say About Cannabis for Anxiety and Depression?

Research supports the idea of carefully choosing the proper strain for balancing your THC/CBD dose. Research conducted at Washington State University focusing on smoking strains low in THC and high in CBD revealed that one puff was enough to show signs of reducing depression, and two puffs were enough to reduce anxiety.

Research also indicates that women report a greater decrease in symptoms of depression than men. Also, another study at the University of Buffalo identified endocannabinoids as the chemical responsible for regulating behaviour, cognition, emotions, and motor control. Cannabis can restore normal functions and levels, which can reduce the painful symptoms of depression and anxiety.

What Else You Can Do for Anxiety and Depression

  • Always structure activities that keep you engaged and stimulated
  • Be vigilant. If your state of mind is worsening, take note. Connect with like-minded mental health groups.
  • Give yourself a break. Back off on your extra responsibilities. These are frequently stress-producing.
  • Don’t isolate yourself. Be in the company of others, unless they are people who create more stress.

At GreenEx Farms, We Want You to be Healthy and Happy

Buy organic cannabis and get Canada weed delivery. If taken responsibly, research shows clear evidence that cannabis can help with depression and anxiety. Explore different strains and balances of THC to CBD in a hybrid and realize that we are there to help you accurately treat your symptoms.

Greenex Farms